Forgot Clothes? Look and ask ASAP. Limited loaner clothes are available
Athletic, closed-toe shoes (e.g. no Romeos or sandals)
School dress code applies (e.g. shorts past fingertips, shirt straps at least 2 finger-widths, middrift may not show, etc.)
Click HERE for complete P.E. Attire Guidelines
Safely store your non-PE items during class.
Each student was assigned a locker, instructed on how to use it, and given time and assistance to practice. (Small Lockers: 6th & 7th; Large Lockers: all 8th & 7th athletes during your sport(s) season.)
Water bottles are allowed and encouraged (no glass, please).
Gum and cell phones are not allowed in the gym.
For student privacy, any phone use in the locker room will result in the phone being taken to Mrs. Sanford at office).
What If I Am…?
Tardy - Be changed, in the gym, and start your Walk & Talk by 5 min. after the start of class.
Absent – Excused absences (except for school activities) may be made up for the credit missed. A Make-Up slip must be turned in to your teacher with a parent signature confirming that you were physically active (walked, biked, ran, mowed lawn, played soccer, etc.) for a total of 60 minutes (need not be all at once) for each day of class you would like to make up.
Ill or Injured - Bring a doctor’s or school nurse’s note. Without one, you will be asked to participate in regular class activities as much as you are able to given your illness/injury.
Missing an assignment - See the teacher ASAP to find out the next assessment make-up day or for a copy of a health assignment.
Needing in the locker room during class – The locker rooms are locked during class except in rare instances.