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P.E. Expectations

Dress down daily

  • Forgot Clothes?   Look and ask ASAP.  Limited loaner clothes are available
  • Athletic, closed-toe shoes (e.g. no Romeos or sandals)
  • School dress code applies (e.g. shorts past fingertips, shirt straps at least 2 finger-widths, middrift may not show, etc.)

Click HERE for complete P.E. Attire Guidelines

Safely store your non-PE items during class.

  • Each student was assigned a locker, instructed on how to use it, and given time and assistance to practice. (Small Lockers: 6th & 7th; Large Lockers: all 8th & 7th athletes during your sport(s) season.)

Water bottles are allowed and encouraged (no glass, please).

Gum and cell phones are not allowed in the gym. 

  • For student privacy, any phone use in the locker room will result in the phone being taken to Mrs. Sanford at office).

What If I Am…?

  • Tardy  -  Be changed, in the gym, and start your Walk & Talk by 5 min. after the start of class.
  • Absent – Excused absences (except for school activities) may be made up for the credit missed. A Make-Up slip must be turned in to your teacher with a parent signature confirming that you were physically active (walked, biked, ran, mowed lawn, played soccer, etc.) for a total of 60 minutes (need not be all at once) for each day of class you would like to make up.
  • Ill or Injured - Bring a doctor’s or school nurse’s note. Without one, you will be asked to participate in regular class activities as much as you are able to given your illness/injury.
  • Missing an assignment - See the teacher ASAP to find out the next assessment make-up day or for a copy of a health assignment.
  • Needing in the locker room during class – The locker rooms are locked during class except in rare instances.